Handsome Heyneke
Heyneke’s Mommy received a newborn shoot from her very loving cousin for her baby shower gift ♥ Now isn’t that a sweet present to receive 😀 Lelanie wasn’t able to do a newborn shoot with her first son so this was an extra special gift.
Last Friday I went through to their lovely farm home and we began the photoshoot, Heyneke’s big brother Ulrich was very attentive and gentle with his baby brother and you could see the love he already feels for him. We got some of the sweetest family photos and proceeded to do Heyneke’s posed photos.
We started off strong and he was lekka sleepy but soon all he wanted to do was eat and eat and eat hehehehe I told his Mommy that he’s planing on being a big boy 😉 so he needs to eat lots to get big and strong. After a while we decided to go a more lifestyle route with the photos as it seemed Heyneke was not having any of this sleepy posing ;P
Congratulations guys on your beautiful family of Four ♥