Rayne Aurora Amelia
I met Rayne's Mommy over facebook 3 months before her due date. We spoke about how Rayne is a rainbow baby, which is a baby who is born after loss (miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss) Having lost 3 of my own Vicky and I connected and we spoke about me capturing Rayne's birth and newborn photos.
Rayne's birth was definitely one for the books, as Vicky went from 3cm to fully dilated in the space of an hour. Unfortunately hospital regulations stated I could on'y enter the room at 6cm so I missed the whole birth, which happened quicker than anyone expected. We still managed to do her newborn shoot though where I was determined to celebrate this little miracle rainbow baby.
We had a wonderful shoot and Rayne gave us the most beautiful smiles ♥

Dad is a big Shazam and Green Lantern fan, so we had to show off his little girl in some superhero outfits 😉

Mom, like myself, is a big fan of Tim Burton and he's wonderful world. Mom especially loves Nightmare before Christmas, so we made Rayne up as Sally ♥

I love to create special images specially for Mom and Dad with their favourite things

Rayne is blessed with a big brother to protect her and a big sister to be her best friend 😀 How special to have sibling photos ♥

With each of my newborn photoshoots I give a personalised birth announcement, perfect for announcing your new arrival, and adding to your album of memories.

She gave us gorgeous smiles through out her newborn shoot, how sweet is she ♥

As an almost Easter baby, we had to get some bunny photos in as well hehehe

Rayne's Aunty is a ballerina, so we incorporated her points for this very cute set up

What a beautiful princess you are sweet little Rayne ♥