{Brand new} Caden – Newborn
I met Vanessa and Cyril at the last Preggi Perfect Retreat. I was so excited to meet there little bundle coz I new he was going to be a complete cutie! With the parents he has, he had to be hehehe

I am in L♥VE with this family photo 😀

When Cyril contacted me to let me know little Caden had arrived, I was beyond excited and couldn’t wait to come capture his newborn photos. And boy he did not disapoint. I have never gotten so many cute funny faces from one little baby. Class clown in the making I think 😉
Enjoy this cutie you will be seeing him in a few months time for his 6 month shoot 😉
Such a cool Baby 😉
What a Stunning Mommy ♥

I am in L♥VE with this family photo 😀