{Love} Angie and Renier
I was so excited when my step-sister and her boyfriend got engaged in December last year.
They are so perfect and amazing for one another, the whole family was in celebration.
Renier popped the question on Christmas eve on Leopard’s View, in the game reserve where our parents live.
In February they organised a big pojie cook off for their engagement party, but before the festivities began we stole
away an hour and a half to capture some loving and special memories for them.
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Both Angie and Reneir love the outdoors, so when the Zebra decided they wanted to pose for use we made
good use of them letting us get quite close to them 😀

Angie and Nicole sadly lost their Mom 2 years ago, since then they believe that when they see
a butterfly they would know that their Mom is watching over them, protecting them and sharing in their
lives. So it was a magical moment when during our photoshoot, we were blessed by her Mom’s pressence
when this beautiful butterfly joined us. ♥

Renier Proposed up on Leopards View so we had to take a trip up there and get some special Photos

How gorgeous is that ring 😉 Angie you are one lucky girl 😀

Their nicknames for one another ♥

This is the beautiful view they overlooked when Renier asked Angie his big question,
as the sun set to the far left over the mountains ♥

How Gorgeous is Angie!!! Love you my sister!!!