Baby Möller – Birth Photoshoot
Thank you to Carien and Jaco for inviting me to be a part of such a beautiful moment in their lives. When I met Carien, I saw so much of myself in her, a photographer who loves children, the importance she places on the photos in her life. I love being able to give someone like Carien these kind of memories for this amazing experience.
I had just come out of doing 2 birth shoots in the space of 4 days, and expected to wait another 3 weeks or so for baby Möller to make his appearance. But he surprised us all by wanting to meet his Mommy and Daddy earlier than we all expected.
Carien called me on Saturday the 12th of April, which was also my wedding Anniversary. I came out to Femina Hospital where just over a week earlier I had captured Jaco’s cousin Anina’s birth of her son.
I joked with Midwife Heather, long time no see 😛 hehehe
After sharing this post with Carien she sent me this and it completely made my day:
“Thank you thank you thank you Tanya! Words can not explain what this means to me! I cried some happy and sad tears! I was soooo glad to see all the amazing family shots! You are the best!!! This Is and already helped me with the healing after my birth didn’t go as I would have wanted! And I see so much in myself and see different views of my husband and what he went through and felt! I did not know that photos could be so healing and make you realise and understand that you are not the only one going through difficult emotions. Thank you thank you so much!!! This is the best thing after my little boy anyone can give me!!! A present of true healing! Thank you!!!!!!”