Baby Aucamp – Birth photoshoot
I met Anina at a Doula week event early last year. I spoke to her about my birth photography and shared a promo disc with her to show her clients. Later last year I was looking for someone to offer a birth shoot too, and Anina contacted me to tell me she was expecting and she would love if I could document her birth with her new little baby.
I was very excited to share this experience with her, and so we waited for baby Aucamp to arrive. Anina wanted a home birth, which I’ve never done before so that was quite exciting for me. Anina told me that they weren’t going to find out if the baby was a girl or a boy, and that if it was a girl, she would be named after Johan’s Mom, and if it was a boy, he would be named after Anina’s Dad. Anina wanted the new baby to then have a special photo with his/her namesake.
Anina is a HypnoBirthing teacher and a Doula, She used HypnoBirthing techniques through the birth, it is honestly something I think all expectant mommies should try. If you’d like to hear more, you can email Anina on [email protected]
I went onto call when Anina was 37 weeks, but baby Aucamp was determined to stay until 1 day after due date.
I had gone to bed on the evening of the 2nd of April 2014 around 21:30, at 23:13 I received a call from Anina to say it was time, Labour had started at 4pm, but had become active around 8pm. At about midnight I was in my car and on may way. With slightly over 1 hour of sleep, I had so much excitement and adrenalin that I didn’t even feel tired.
I arrived at the Aucamp house at 00:40 on the 3rd of April. And so the magic began.