Kilfoil Easter Fun
The Kilfoil Family are best friends with one of my regular clients, so when they saw the photos of their friends little boy, Daniella contacted me to book a family shoot in their brand new home. Now I normally suggest doing shoots at a park because you end up with much more variety in your photos. And when a client says to me they want to do it in their own garden I worry because in this day and age gardens are, while beautifully manicured, they are small and don’t lend well to variety for photos. But when I walked into the Kilfoil home I felt like I’d entered a magical garden ♥
I told Daniella my normal reaction to home garden shoots, and quickly followed with telling her that their garden was perfect for photos 😀
The boys were a little confused as to who this strange lady was pointing this brightly coloured lensbuddie at them, but once we gave them the chocolate it was like we were all invisible hehehehe
They were little angels and did perfectly for their shoot, even though they were a bit tired ♥